
I'm writing twice in one day! It's unheard of, isn't it? Actually, the kids have been quietly playing all day long.  No fighting or squabbling or yelling to be heard. It makes me think that perhaps the world might end tomorrow. Freaky.

Being that tomorrow rings in 2012, I thought I'd do what all other folk do this time of year and sit down and write some resolutions. Usually, my resolutions center around a common theme... quit eating chocolate, start exercising, and for the love of Pete, get Noah potty-trained.

I have miserably failed on every single one. Every single year. Which could explain my issues with self-worth and inability to trust myself.

But this year it's different. This year, potty-training is NOT going on the list. I'm just hoping it spontaneously happens and then I can go, "Wow! Will ya look at that? Noah's potty-trained and I didn't even make it a goal this year. How awesome are we??"  And then I'll take my left hand and high five my right hand and reach around and pat myself on the back and give myself lots of accolades for something that should have been accomplished 7 years ago.

Yep. This year will be different.

This year, instead of overwhelming myself with a huge list that will probably be broken by January 4th, I plan to make monthly resolutions. I'm hoping to sit down at the end of each month and evaluate what needs to be done or accomplished for the next month. We'll see if that actually happens come January 31st, but right now, I can let you know what's on the agenda for this coming month.

JANUARY 2012 Monthly Goals

1. No fast food for an entire month.

Translated into... NO CARAMEL MOCHAS, LESLIE T. Your body deserves better and you can't afford to buy new jeans. So cut the sugary coffee.

2. No gluten for me or Noah.

We both do sooo much better off it and I know it will help us both immensely, but I tend to get lazy. I mean I have the ability to go hard-core, but one little bite, one little cheat and it unravels everything.

See, I have a majorly addictive personality, which means I could never even dream of drinking or smoking or gambling or joining my neighbors in their annual pot smoking/burning leaves parties.  We had to cut DirecTV four years ago because I was addicted to Take Home Chef.

And the show wasn't that bad, either.

I can't even go on Ebay and I have to limit my time on Facebook and Amazon.

So. Absolutely NO gluten, NO pizza, NO cookies, and NO homemade bread with melted butter that is so incredibly fantastic that it makes me weep just thinking about it  for one whole month!

3. Do Noah's program 5x's a week at 75% of the program. I would explain that in further detail, but it'd just make me sound like a bad mom and I'm already suffering guilt issues from it all.

4. Do 30 minutes of exercise 5x's a week, which can include taking Noah out on his bike. It can also include walking on the treadmill while watching White Collar on Netflix, because breaking up with Netflix is something I'm not emotionally ready to tackle in 2012.

5. Eat a minimum of 2 fruits and 2 green vegetables and 1 orange or red vegetable a day.

Okay, I have to confess. My original goal was to eat 1 fruit and 1 vegetable a day, but Sim chastised me and said the FDA or whomever recommends 5 servings a day, so I had to change it so ya'll wouldn't realize how bad my diet has become...

But that will change starting tomorrow. Right now, I have to finish off this pecan pie with cream because I simply can't let good food go to waste.

6. Clean kitchen sink 5x's a week before going to bed.  Notice I did not say "clean the kitchen". I will do my best to actually clean the whole thing and not just empty my dirty sink onto the counter so that I can have a clean kitchen sink, and, therefore, meet my goal.

Ya'll, I have started and stopped FlyLady more times than I've showered this past year. I just can't do it.

But that will change starting tomorrow. (My current mantra.)

7. Do not watch anything on Netflix past 10.30pm.

Remember that addiction problem I mentioned? Well it includes having this inhuman desire to finish whole seasons of shows in a week - or something ridiculous like that. I am a one-track mind person. But I'm also a multi-tasker, so ifI can combine this with #4 while also eating a banana (#5), then I've just knocked three things out at once.   Booyah!

8. Limit coffee or tea to ONE cup per day. Not two. Not six. But one. First thing in the morning. And then just figure out how to get over my mid-day slump.

9. Limit computer time. I'm not telling you what I'm limiting it to because you'd be horrified how much time I spent on here. And I'm not even blogging or doing anything productive. I'm vegging. And trying to ignore the tremendous amount of things I should be doing.

But, rest assured, I can guarantee that if I told you that my goal is to limit my computer time to XX amount of time XX amount a day , you would feel like the best mother in the world because you'd be saying, "Her poor kids!" And then you'd turn to your spouse and say, "Honey, you think I have it bad? There's this woman in TX who spends XX amount of time on Facebook a day!"

Okay, I might be exaggerating a little bit. But probably not that much.

10. Work on necklaces for adoption fundraiser.

I haven't even mentioned Naveen's adoption in a while because we have hit snag after snag after snag. But I will.  In the meantime, though, a sweet sweet friend gave us boxes of supplies to start making glass tile necklaces as a fundraiser for our adoption. They are sooo cute! I really need to buckle down and finish them up.

Hey, maybe when I quit drinking coffee and start exercising and multi-tasking and knocking out 3 goals at once and going to bed before 10.30, I'll actually have the time and energy to work on them.

One month. I can do it for one month.

Will meet back here in 31 days to tell you how it went and to plan for February!


No Greater Love said…
Oh you have me in STITCHES. Leslie, we ARE long lost sisters...I am positive. My dad must have had an affair with your mom....(cause I look totally like my I know I truly came from him.)

I have debated and debated getting rid of Netflix, but I'm not sure if I'm strong enough. I really don't even watch it THAT much, because like you I am all or nothing. So when I'm nothing...I'm nothing. You couldn't pay me to watch something. But as you also well know, when I am ALL...well, I stay up the whole night watching DDD marathons...

Anyway...I loved this post. And now I'm going to go read the one before this one. :)
Amanda said…
I'm doing the same thing. 30 day goals. I'm gonna do it. Just for the record. I'm not saying how many books I've read in a day when the kids need homeschooled and/ or worked out (Prasun needs walked but that makes him sound like a dog and that's not nice).
If you feel lazy, don't worry I'm just as lazy. End of story.
One of my goals is to start operating on a semi-strict schedule. Need to get school stuff and therapy stuff done.

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