Do Everything

Today, I asked Noah what he wanted to be when he grows up and he spelled out D-O-C-T-O-R.  I asked him what kind and he spelled out A-U-T-I-S-M. Then he spelled out C-H-I-L-D-R-E-N.  

I said, "You want to be a doctor who works with children who have autism?"  and he spelled out Y-E-S. 

Then he spelled out I G-O  T-O  C-O-L-L-E-G-E and looked at me as if it were a question. And though my heart was breaking, I said, "Of course you'll go to college! But you'll have to work really hard."

And the truth is... I don't know what will happen 8 years from now. Or 18. Or 28. Maybe he WILL go to college one day.  Maybe there will be a cure. Maybe we'll find a way to continue to tap into his potential and he'll be the first nonverbal/autistic college graduate in the world. Maybe he'll talk! I have no doubt that he'll make a mark on this world. But as his mom, I want ALL his dreams to come true. Not just the little ones, but the big ones, too. 

And while it seems daunting... And the works seems so hard...And so tiring, something else he told me gives me the motivation to keep going on...

When I asked him to give one piece of advice to parents who have a child with autism, he spelled out D-O  E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

And so we will continue to do everything we can to help his dreams come true. Even the big ones. 

Especially the big ones.

And since it's been AGES since I've posted any pictures, here are a few we took yesterday at the Dallas Zoo and Dallas Arboretum. Of course, the boys both got haircuts today, which just means I'll need to take new pictures, too!


Sarah said…
Oh, what beautiful children (and a beautiful mom!). So grateful for all that you are doing for your precious Noah. He is a gift and you are such a wonderful gift to him.
Anonymous said…
Oh my God. This made me cry like a baby..
Leveta said…
Leslie: Super pics of your beautiful chidlren. That Noah is amazinf and look how far he has come. SO awesome that he is asking about college and knows how to tell other parents how to help their children. I just know GOd has great plans for him.
Unknown said…
What a sweet, incredible boy!! I have a feeling he's going to do all those things that he dreams of!
Leslie, they are beautiful. When did they get so big?

K said…
Oh my goodness.. There are no words- except Noah WILL make a great Dr. one day!!!
I hope I get to meet him before he's world-famous though!!
Makes me want to go to Sarah's Covenant Homes and work my butt off with the autistic kids- because they ARE capable, they just need someone like Noah's mommy to do "everything" to help them... Okay I know enough rambling. :) The kids all seem like they've grown sooo much since the last time you posted pics!
How sweet! Keep plugging away. I never dreamed we would be where we are today but God had bigger plans than me. Noah is lucky to have such a dedicated mom!
Sintari said…
Hi, Leslie.
I've been stalking you for years now, but I rarely leave a comment. :) Just wanted to share a link - you've probably seen it already, but I thought it was pretty great - (Autistic Girl Expresses Unimaginable Intelligence)
It reminded me of Noah.

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