Conversations with Noah

I know that if I don't sit down right now and put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard) then I'll forget. And I know that I owe a big explanation on what we're doing with Noah and all that, and I will try to write something soon.  In the meantime, Noah is amazing us lately with his spelling on the letter board.

Noah, if you could have any superpower in the world, what would it be? T-A-L-K

What's the hardest thing about being 9 (almost 10)?  N-O-T  T-O-I-L-E-T  T-R-A-I-N-E-D

What's your favorite song at the moment? S-O-M-E-O-N-E  L-I-K-E  Y-O-U

Noah! I change that song every time I hear it. (I'm a bit tired of it).  Do you want me to stop changing it?

If you could live anywhere, where would you live? T-E-X-A-S  W-I-T-H   M-O-M

If you could invent anything, what would it be? T-O-Y-S  T-H-A-T  D-O-N-T  C-O-S-T

When were you the happiest in your life?  M-E-E-T-I-N-G   A-N-O-O-P  (when he met Anoop Desai backstage at the American Idols tour)

What's the one thing you would change in the world? T-O-I-L-E-T  T-R-A-I-N    E-Z

What's the one thing in the world you couldn't live without? M-O-M-S   L-O-V-E

And, finally,  I went to check on Noah last night and he was still up.  He grabbed my hand and put it to his mouth.  I knew he had a loose tooth, so I felt inside and saw that he'd lost it.  There was also a tiny bit of the blood on the floor. I immediately said, 'Oh Noah! Did you lose your tooth? You poor thing!?"  He got agitated and led me to the door and pushed me out.

This morning I asked why and he spelled T-R-E-A-T-E-D  L-I-K-E  A  T-O-Y.  I said, "I treated you like a toy?"  Y-E-S.   "How should I have treated you?"  L-I-K-E   A  S-U-N  (son).

And it was so profound! Had it been Eli, I would have been like "Cool dude! Hi-5!  Tooth fairy's comin' to see you tonight."

But with Noah, I treated him like a baby.  And he didn't like it. Not one bit.

I am so grateful for all the new things I'm learning about Noah... and the lessons he's teaching me.

I promise that when things slow down, I'll try to explain what we're doing and why I think it's (finally!) working.  In the meantime, we've come up with these "Conversation Starters" by googling Conversation Starters for kids.  We try to ask about 4 or 5 to the kids each night at supper. We're having a blast with them!


No Greater Love said…
Leslie, I love these posts about Noah. This much bring such joy to you and to him! :) I get goosebumps reading them.
Sarah said…
Wow! I bet you cried when he said that he couldn't live without your love! What an incredible kid!
Anonymous said…
Girl. I love you. And I love meeting Noah this way. What a gift!
Last Mom said…
I loved reading these interviews with Noah!
Leanne said…
I love hearing Noah's voice! :)
Blessed said…
These are the best posts!
Kelly said…
I really enjoy reading these conversations with Noah. It absolutely reinforces the idea that some people are simply "stuck" in a body that doesn't work, but their brains are just fine. Keep doing what you're doing, it seems to be effective.
Hannah_Rae said…
His perceptiveness is blowing me away.

The toilet training thing intrigues me, because he knows he wants it, but he knows that it's hard for him.

Wow, kid. Wow.


Chantelle said…
Amazing, insightful, touching, encouraging stuff! Thanks for sharing and keep it up! I love reading about you and Noah.
Leveta said…
Leslie: It is so wonderful to see Noah responding and expressing himself like that. He is talking just like you wanted only in a different way.What a testimony on waiting for God and trusting Him to lead you to the best way to help Noah! Such a smart boy too!
Noah and Noo said…
I found your blog via No Greater Joy Mom and I wanted to share that I too have a son called Noah and he is on the Autism Spectrum too. I love your posts and feel your heart! Please feel free to pop over to my blog and visit!


sarah bess said…
i love how he loves you!!! what more could a mom want? the gift you have given him is...
TracyC said…
So awesome. You are giving me the incentive to try harder to communicate with my own daughters.
TEARS! what an amazing young man!
Wendy said…
I hope by now you have received the BioSource I sent. It works best in a tangy drink, so hopefully Noah likes OJ. If you need anything else, let me know. We have all the chelation supplements, the mitochondrial support and the advanced neuro-transmitters.

Amazing progress! He is becoming 'unlocked'.

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