Be Careful What You Pray For....

Because God definitely has a sense of humor!

You know how I've been praying and praying and praying for Noah to get better? Specifically that his brain and body would start making connections - because if I've told you a 1,000 times then I'll tell you 1,001 that I truly believe Noah's brain is that of an 8 year old boy. It's just that his body won't obey his brain and it's more like that of a 12 month old.

Well, I am now excited to tell you that I'm the proud mother of an almost 9 year old child who is going through the Terrible Two's!

It sounds crazy to be elated over that, doesn't it? But I am so elated. Well, I'm tired, too, because two-year old's are exhausting and exasperating at most times, but it's this weird sort of euphoria that I'm going through. I wanna cry and laugh and dance all at the same time. It's kind of like those pictures you see of villagers who are out dancing in the streets in the middle of the rain... just really soaking it up and rejoicing. Most people would be indoors hiding, but some people embrace it and thank God for it. Does that make sense?

Anyway, something is definitely happening with Noah. He is LOVING having Eli and Nandi at school all day. It's a little funny, actually, because for the whole first week and a half of school, he'd get so mad when we had to pick them up. You know if he could talk that he'd be saying, " Ugh. Mommmmm! Why do we have to pick them up noooowww???"

I have to say, it's just been really nice having him home to myself. It's been 6 years since it was just the two of us and it's been awesome to just be with him and watch him and learn from him. I almost can't even formulate it into words except to say that he's really blossoming right now. I think he relishes in the quiet. It's like, our house was just one big sensory overload before school started and now we both have time to think. We can actually think now because our heads are not full of shouting and bickering and just noise all.the.time.

Sorry if this isn't making much sense. I'm trying to get all this out before the kids wake up...

Anyway, Noah is just so active right now. Before, little things didn't bother him. But now he's actually initiating potty-training (whoo hoo! He doesn't like the feel of wet or dirty clothes now.. so he's coming to get me when he needs to be changed) and if he spills something then he drags me over and shows me (that has never happened before!). He tipped yogurt all over himself and came and got me. He tried to turn the water hose on to fill up the little pool. He emptied our fridge and spilled everything... but at least he told me about it. He's taken out all of our CD's. Scratched a few of Sim's old Genesis records (his Peter Gabriel Genesis records) while trying to spin them.

He's constantly dragging me to the bathroom and pushing the little recordable picture frame that has a picture of a toilet on it and says, "I need the potty." He's realized that if he presses the button then I drop everything I'm doing and come running. Cheeky little thing. He has totally realized that it's the one sure-fire way that he has 110% of my attention... and I kid you not when I say that I spend a great deal of my day sitting on a little stool in the bathroom.

(Okay, am I just totally perverse or did anyone else find that sentence absolutely hysterical? I'm sleep-deprived. What can I say?)

Let's rephrase that. I spend most of my day sitting on a little 4-legged stepstool while Noah thinks it's the funniest thing ever to push the "I need to potty" button over and over again while laughing.

He's also letting me know that he wants to do his therapy exercises and he'll lead me over to the massage table and put my hand on whatever part of his body that needs to be worked on. Right now, he's enthralled with me popping the toes on his left foot. LOL. Don't ask. I don't know why he loves it, but his left foot is super tight and his toes are constantly curled under and I guess it just feels good. Plus, who wouldn't want a 24 hours masseuse at their beck and call?

I tell you.... I'm going to start calling him my little maharaja....

Okay, the whole house is up and I've got to cut this short. I just wanted to give you an idea of why this blog has been so quiet lately. It's because Noah has been so busy! PTL and do a little dance!

Just quickly, though, Nandi and Eli are loving public school this year. We've seen a massive change in Eli... oh my gosh, our life is full of some really great changes right now... and I am so at peace with the decision not to homeschool them this year.

Gotta run. Just wanted to give a quick update. Sim said he'll take some pics of me and Noah working together so you can see the type of things we're doing at home. Don't know about you, but I love to see what other families are doing with their children. I mean, exactly how do you homeschool a child with "severe" autism?? And I hope to also tell you the different therapies we're doing now. That post is oh... about a couple of years overdue??

Have a great week!


GB's Mom said…
What a wonderful time in your life! Congratulations :)
Chantelle said…
wooooooooooo hooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sarah bess said…
that's so exciting, Leslie! Looking forward to hearing more!
Leslie--I am so happy for you . I have been praying.

Lori P.
Lisa H. said…
Celebrating wit you and sweet Noah!

Lisa H.
Shara said…
Awesome news, Leslie!!!!
J said…
Can't wait for the next post!
Happy for you.
Hannah_Rae said…
Wow. I am breathless. What an amazing blessing. I know what you mean about being excited about what most would consider trouble. I am so excited that my 17 year old is starting to least 15. It's so good. :)


Anonymous said…


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