So Long, Sayanora, See You Soon

I'm going to take a bit of a blogging break.

The truth is that I just haven't felt like blogging much since getting back from India.

I know, I know. India. Did any of you roll your eyes? I know it's all I seem to blog about anymore, but I can't help it. That trip did something to me unexplainable.

It made me really want to search for a purpose in my life.. something besides just hiding behind a computer all day.

It made me realize how lucky I am - how blessed I am - how fortunate I am with my family and my children and my house and just everything around me. And I don't want to squander all that by putting my attention and sole focus on a little 12 x 10 screen.

It's not so much blogging that I'm running away from... it's the computer. It sucks me in and takes up all my time. I find that I can sit behind the computer for hours on end and read 100 blogs and 25 online magazines and newspapers from every country. And all the while dishes are sitting dirty in the sink, clothes are overtaking the couch, and my family is being ignored.

I've actually gotten irritated at my kids for interrupting me while I'm on the computer. The last straw was a few days ago when I actually yelled at Eli for wanting a peanut butter sandwich and interrupting me while I was reading everything I could about... get this.... climbing Mt. Everest.

Ya'll, I live in TX. My idea of physical and emotional torture is to move me to a place where it falls below 67 degrees on a regular basis. I might like the occasional day of snow every few years, but I have no desire to ever, ever put myself in a position to wear I have to wear a toboggan.

Or exert any energy needed beyond walking to my mailbox and back.

So the fact that I was actually researching climbing Mt. Everest? Yeah, pointless.

But I'm an information junkie and I get sucked in.

I can't deal with having all the answers to all the questions in the world being readily available 24/7 with the click of a mouse. It's too much for me.

So, I'm taking a stand.

Wikipedia, I'm breaking up with you.

I will still blog every now and then. But with me, it takes a couple of weeks for a new routine to become, well, routine - so it'll be a couple of weeks before you hear from me again. And that routine involves only getting on the computer when the kids are asleep. If I want to get online then I need to get up at either 5:00 in the morning or wait until they go to bed after 8:00.

And at bedtime, my priorities don't involve hauling out the laptop.

No, I'd much rather see if Jake picks Vienna and who's going to make it through to the Top 12 on American Idol.

Television. Now that's what I'm talking about! ;-)

Seriously, though, I just need a break from all this technology. And that includes the phone, too. I need to spend time with the kids. They are growing up so fast. And I can't watch them grow when my attention is turned to a computer screen.

I also feel that God wants to work something big in our lives.. .and I just don't know what it is. But I know that unless I talk to Him and draw close to Him, then I will never find out. And I think He's got something pretty awesome in mind.

So, really, these next few weeks are just going to be about reflection and solitude and just listening. Listening to my kids, to my husband, to family, and to my God.

THE God, by the way. :-)

I hope you'll put me on your Google Reader so you'll be alerted when I blog again. In the meantime, I do want to make two short announcements that I'll talk about closer to time, but wanted to mention now.

1. Theresa from Sarah's Covenant Homes will be in Texas from April 9 - April 19. She'll be staying in our area and will be available to talk to churches, groups, schools, businesses, etc about SCH and the kids.

We haven't arranged a schedule yet, but if you live in the North Texas or East TX area, we would love to have you come see Theresa. Also, if you know of a church or organization that would like to have Theresa speak at a meeting, please email me at

Also, we'll be in Austin on Friday, April 16 to visit HALO and watch Soma do RPM with her clients who have autism. I'm not sure if we'll be there Thursday, too, but I'm just letting you know in case some of you in the Austin area would like to arrange an opportunity for Theresa to speak.

2. I'm going to plan another trip to India, hopefully for next January. I still need to talk over things with Theresa and Sarah (and will probably do so when Theresa comes to TX). However, if you are interested in going to India and visiting SCH and working with the kids, please keep it in the back of your mind. We are thinking of going for maybe 13 days this time (not sure, may be 10 again) and the cost for everything: tickets, travel, hotel, and food was $2000. We raised most of our money by having garages sales and bake sales. I'm just letting you all know now in case you need to start fundraising.

Again, my email address is

That's it. I'll still be checking email and reading blogs and catching up with people on Facebook.. but only what can be read and answered while the kids are asleep.


Leslie :-)


Lisa H. said…
I'll miss you and your perspective on the world...but I totally understand and admire your choices!
sandwichinwi said…
I don't know. Is this good advertisement that since we came back, you, Faye and I never blog anymore????

I feel just the same as you. Also, I'm a maybe for January, especially if we get a group together again.

Love you!
Mom 4 Kids said…
It is never the wrong idea to make your family your priority and recognize distractions and readjust things so good for you!!! Great example! :-)
Amy said…
Proud of you and love you. Amy
Recovering Noah said…
Thanks, guys!

Of course, now that I've publicly declared that I'm not going to blog as often, suddenly I've come up with a million blog posts to write. lol

We'll see what all I can get achieved before 6:00 in the morning. But at the moment, sleep sounds soooo much better than computer time. Yawn!
sarah bess said…
i need to do that, too. my kids hate my computer. they don't realize that i'm doing it at home so i don't have to do it somewhere else, but still... I came to the realization the other day that I'd regret more time lost with them than having delegated too much ministry work. SO hard to balance everything. AND get sleep.

Humbled by your heart for our SCH kids, Leslie. May God speak clearly to you about all that's in His heart for your family in the future.
Sneha V said…
You have a beautiful heart and mind, Leslie.
Defintetely going to miss you - but I understand completely.

Go give your kids tons of love & attention!

Jane said…
We are blessed with your gift in the past and are better because of it... Take care of you and yours Leslie!
Kim said…
I get it, totally get it. I've been trying to limit my computer time because I find it cutting into real life.

I added you to my reader and look forward to your posts again.

(can you believe I just started my reader today? I fear it may feed my addiction to blogs...we'll see.)
Sarah said…
Good for you!

I'd be interested in that January trip...

Kelly said…
I'll miss your blogging, but I have a video on my blog you might want to see. It's under March 10. There were several people I thought my get something out of it. Enjoy your break.

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