Viruses, Viruses Everywhere

We have been plagued with the plague. Viruses have not only infected our family, but also our computer.

Yes, our new computer. Did you know you're supposed to put an anti-virus on it? Don't laugh. I'm the same woman who blew up her previous computer because she didn't know she was meant to dust it.

I'm sorry, but maybe I'm just not cut out for computers. Everytime I hear the word firewall, I think of a stone wall on fire. Actually, I think of Hadrian's Wall on fire. I have no idea why. And I'm not even sure stone can burn. But that's what I think. And spyware makes me think of Sherlock Holmes and then that makes me the think of the new Sherlock Holmes movie that is coming out on Christmas Day and that makes me think of the actress Rachel McAdams who's in the movie. Which, of course, brings me to the Mom's Night Out night that I participated in a few weeks ago - and my first night out since May of 08. And then I think about how we watched The Time Traveler's Wife - which starred Rachel McAdams - and how it depressed the heck out of me and how I sat and cried like a newborn baby and why, oh why, Nicholas Sparks do you keep churning out movies like this? You should've stopped at The Notebook. Yes, I bawled through it, too, but it just seems like you keep trying to recreate another one and, sweetie, you'll never top The Notebook. Never, ever, ever. Move on!

And, so you see why I never got around to putting up a firewall and antivirus protection on my computer. My train of thought derails too often for me to actually accomplish anything of importance.

So, we've caught the Cold & Flu plague of '09 and I'm a computer hacker's dream.

I'm back to using my mom's laptop, which works sporadically, so since I don't know when I'll blog again, I'll give you a quick synopsis of our previous week:

1. Hello Scissors. Meet Nandini: Nandi found a pair of cheap Pre-K scissors.... you know, the ones that don't actually cut paper.... and chopped off all her hair. After I finished hyperventilating, my mom came over to even it up. It's currently just under the ears, but if you look closely you'll see that Nandi clipped some right to the scalp. Sigh.

2. Eli Turned 6 and Gymboree Rejoiced: We were a bit sneaky this year. We didn't buy the kids any school clothes.... instead we bought them after school started and got marked down 50%. At this age they don't care, do they? Anyway, Gymboree had an adorable dinosaur line this Fall (the first time I've ever bought from them) and we bought Eli's school clothes on clearance. I'm just praying I don't get suckered in by all the Gymbucks I accrued!

3. Eli Matured. He Totally Matured: Eli decided to donate his birthday money to Mayan Families so that a family in Guatemala could have some food. The situation in Guatemala is dire right now and I'm so proud of Eli.

The kids get 3 presents: clothes, one toy, and a gift that gives back. Eli could've bought a Fair Trade dinosaur or something along those lines with his third gift (he had $25), but he chose to donate it to Mayan Families.

Do you think I cried? Well, of course!

4. And We Thought He Bled Orange: Only native Texans will understand that little reference. See, UT Austin (The Longhorns) and Texas A&M (The Aggies) are huge rivals. UT's colors are burnt orange and A&M's are maroon. So, UT supporters have bumper stickers saying all sorts of things, including "I bleed orange". If you see that, then you know the person supports UT.

Well.....Noah decided to do a little talking on Saturday night. He has become extremely attached to Simeon lately, as Sim's been taking him out running each night ever since I came to the very wise conclusion that me and exercise don't jive. Sim's taken up the slack. Anyway, all this rain means that Sim's working 7 days a week and getting back late at night (and let me interject and say that all would be burglars reading this can just stay away. I have a dog and I keep a machete in the house and even though I bought it at the Asian food store, I'm sure it's good for cracking open things besides coconuts). Ahem... where was I? Oh yeah, Sim hasn't been taking Noah out lately because he's been working late and this is not sitting well with Mr. Noah.

Now... remember, Noah's nonverbal... but he started crying for his daddy when he walked through the door two nights ago and started saying, 'My Aggie! My Aggie!!" And whenever Sim left his sight, he'd cry, "Aggie! Aggie!"

Even before he stopped talking as a toddler, he never could really say his D's.

So while we know what he was really saying, it did amuse us that should he ever go to college and attend A&M we know exactly what his admissions essay will say.

And don't even bother taking poll. Of course I cried! ;-)

5. And last but not least.... I Should Really Get Off This Computer and Complete My Defensive Driving Before A Warrant Gets Issued for My Arrest. I don't think that one needs any explanation.

so, Ciao. Until we meet again... and I don't know when that'll be, but you can better believe that I'm installing an anti-virus as soon as this mess is cleared up.


sarah bess said…
You're just awesome. The way you write is hilarious.
Hoping you'll post a pic of Nandi's new 'do.
Eli--wow. What a great thing to do.
Hannah said…

Good to hear from you again. As the wife of a computer genius, I laughed a little...okay a lot. :) We too did the whole discount back to school shopping thing. We have an advantage in Michigan that we start school later than most states, so when we went to SD to visit my mom, we took advantage of their sales. Hehehe.


Mom 4 Kids said…
Nandi and the scissors takes me back. Miss M chopped all the hair off of a multitude of dolls, her sisters. My nightmare fear was her chopping her own hair. God bless you! And the My Aggie stuff is a tearjerker for sure! Good stuff! Hope your computer is feeling better soon!!!
marythemom said…
My daughter Bob (don't ask) among other things cut off her bangs (down to the roots and an inch back) and the sides of her adorable pageboy hair cut during the first week of Kindergarten (and yes, I'd forgotten to take pictures on the first day of school. This was of course my fault because I'd given her a timeout in her room and she'd found a pair of scissors. She cut her hair because I wouldn't let her grow her hair out and only long hair is "lovely." We gave her a George Clooney hair cut (everything brushed forward from the back to cover the bald patch. (you can search my blog for a picture of it if you want to!)

We were very lucky though. A little girl in our gymnastics class had not only cut off most of her long gorgeous ringlets, but had to get stitches where she'd cut her scalp.

Mary in TX (Go Longhorns!)

PS That's why I love having a computer guru husband. When things break it's all his fault!
The Johnson's said…
You not have Texas Tech fans where you live? Although, if Noah's going to be a fan of a team other than Tech, I guess I'm ok with A&M...just not UT!!!
C Dawn's bucket said…
AVG is a wonderful free virus protection program...My techie husband loves it more than anything else on the market...

and Sygate is a user friendly and freeware firewall. I've used both for over 5 years and have been virus free for the entire time.

Also...don't dust your computer but do blow the tower out with an air compressor!

and how cool are those Kiddos of yours!
Lucy and Ethel said…
I just found your blog thru sarah bess; loved her blog and yours, too!

After a string of rather downer posts lately, it was wonderful to come here and laugh out loud!

We're (I'm blessed with a blogging buddy) signed up to follow you, and your blog is on our 'Special Assignments' list.


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