Dolls are for Sissies...

Okay, so I haven't actually spent the entire last two weeks just sitting on my butt watching the Olympics.

I've actually watched them while standing up, folding laundry, cooking supper...

Hardy har har.

No, seriously, while I admit to practically OD'ing on all that is Beijing, leotards, and anything involving goggles, these last two weeks haven't been a total wash.

For example:

I spent half our weekly grocery money at the Scholastic Book Fair at our local library - where admist all the Dora books, Fancy Nancy Books, Disney Princess Books, and everything that is sparkly and pink... my little three old decided that out of all of them, she just had to have this...

That is the one book that she just couldn't part with.

Clearly she is surrounded by too much testosterone.

She also wants a shark theme for her birthday.

Last year, while we were waiting for Nandi's adoption paperwork to go through, I had all these visions running through my head of having tea parties and playing dress-up. Although, this isn't what I had in mind....

I was sort of envisioning things involving tutus and tiaras. Think "Swan Lake".

Not Darth Vader.

But, hey, nothing changed her tune faster than realizing that she could wear one of her pretty Indian dresses during our Olympic Open Cermonies Feista a few weeks ago. Remember, she wanted to represent Great Britian so that she could wear some of the boys' clothes... but then she realized that she could wear one of her "pretties" if she represented India...

Ignore the stain on Sim's shirt. He'd be mucho embarrassed if he knew I blogged this picture. But don't the other two look cute?? And yes, Sim is actually holding a wooden spoon. What can I say? We ran out of dowel rods.

It's all about living within your means, folks. Creativity is the key.

And while I'm normally against my kids wearing things that have writing across the butt... seeing that half the population thinks that Eli is Korean or Chinese, we had to come up with some specific advertising. (Thank to Amy for picking this little gem up while in Guatemala last Fall.)

And Noah is representing the good 'ol GB.

Can you tell??

Hmmmmm.... you think a Brit lives here????

And in case you think I was being completely anti-patriotic by not dressing up, please re-read my last post about spending an entire week devoted to Michael Phelps.

I rest my case.

We also cooked up an excellent meal of Asparagus and Shrimp Fried Rice to kick off the start of the games...

..... and which the kids hated. They ended up eating PB&J instead.

A few days later, Nandi competed in her own Olympic event...

The Let's-See-How-Fast-I-Can-Rip-Open-A-Thing-of-24-count-Toilet-Paper Rolls-and-Spread-Them-All-Over-the-Floor.

Then I made up a new event called.. Let's-See-How-Fast-You-Can-Pick-Them-Up-Before-You-Land-in-Time-Out.

Needless to say, she was pretty fast at the first event, but didn't find the second one nearly as much fun...

But the last two weeks have put her on a possible future career path...

Can you say future gymnast? Keep an eye out for this one in 2020.

And, by the way, we will accept any and all donations to send her to Bela Karolyi's gym camp in Houston.

It takes a village, people.


Anonymous said…
Wow! Your Olympic watching time was way more exciting than mine! No decorations or fried shrimp over here.
Amy said…
I LOVE IT! Can I nominate you for mama of the year???? You are too much fun at your house!
TracyC said…
Nandi can come over to our house any day. She'd fit right in. I laughed so hard at the pictures. Ada wants a shark birthday theme too. If you want to borrow Sophie--my purse and shoe girl--for an afternoon, come right on up.

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