Sweet 'E' and Baby 'D'

In one hour, an adoption committee is going to be meeting to determine if my friend, Amy, and her fanastic, amazing family is "THE" family that is best suited to adopt two little babies through CPS.

Actually, it's two separate hearings going on about the same time. The first little one, Sweet 'E' is a gorgeous little boy that Amy has her heart set on (and that I have my heart set on Nandini marrying. lol) . And the second one is a little baby, Baby 'D' that I haven't seen pictures of yet, but I'm sure she's just beautiful. She sounds precious. (And speaking of Precious, Christine, if you're reading this and if Amy gets matched with Baby 'D', I'm going to send her over your way for some hair help!)

So, anyway, even though it's not my adoption, I haven't gotten anything done today. I am just sitting on pins and needles waiting for the phone to ring or for an email saying that Amy is a new mom... even though I know the meeting hasn't even taken place yet.

If you get a moment, please say a quick prayer that the social workers will make the right decision and place both babies with the families that are best suited. Of course, I think Amy's family is best suited for BOTH - but God may have other plans. Either way, I hope you'll think about her family today, and I'll be sure to share the news as soon I hear. Or you can pop on over to her blog and check it out for yourself.



Amy said…
OHHHHHHHH you are THE SWEETEST friend- thank you for that post! Love you girl!
C said…
Am I reading? What? Are you kidding me??? You're at the top of my reader list.

When our friends adopt (and the number of friends continues to grow in that arena - yea!), I get knots in my stomach and lose sleep, too. When you've been on that amazing receiving end, you can truly share in the anticipation and excitement.

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