How Do You All Do It?

I need some some major advice from all you wise Mama's out there (and Dad's, too!).

How do you do it???? How do you keep from going insane? And, more importantly, how do you keep your house clean????

Somehow, a few months ago, little fairies snuck into my room in the middle of the night and stole the part of my brain that loved messiness and replaced it with something far worse...

The obsessive need to keep a clean house.

Or maybe it was CIA agents or FBI agents or whoever it is that Tom Cruise usually plays in a movie.... maybe they're the ones who did it. Maybe they were on a top-secret mission to implant microchips into housewives across America and see what happens when messy women turn OCD overnight.

Because there's no other way to explain it.

I have become a neat freak.

I absolutely cannot stand a messy house. Well... okay, let me explain. I actually don't mind keeping a messy bedroom... and the bathrooms are in such a state that I'm sure the CDC is going to stop by any day now and barricade our doors with yellow tape. But I cannot stand having a messy living room. Maybe it's the wood floors that we put down... the ones that show EVERYTHING. Maybe it's the open floor plan. I don't know. But I have a serious problem. I cannot stand a mess.

Which is really not a good thing when Tornado Nandini and Hurricane Eli hit every morning at 6:00 am.... and make a mess of destruction until 9:00 at night.

I know it sounds like I complain all the time now, but it's just been a big adjustment. And if any of you say, "Well, you asked for it. Your hands were full before... what did you think would happen?"... well, you can think it, but please don't say it to my face. I might actually have to smack ya.

It's just an adjustment. I basically gave birth to a 3 year old. Who is exactly like my four year old. Which makes me sometimes behave like a five year old..... when I'm actually thirty-four.

The point is.... I need some time management skills. Some advice on how to keep the kids fed and entertained - oh, and schooled, and the house clean, and the dog water clean and filled, the husband happy... and still have time to watch Oprah.

Okay, that last part was a joke.

But if you can tell me how to squeeze in As the World Turns, I'd really appreciate it.


And, while we're at it... I would LOVE to hear from parents who have strong-willed, controlling kids - oh, and siblings who would like to kill each other. That last one is very important.

And is it normal for kids to run around naked all the time? Am I raising a future colony of nudists? Are we going to have to pack the kids up and move to Europe?

Which would make Simeon very happy, but it's too cold there to have a trio of pre-schoolers who shun clothing. Which means, we're stuck in Texas... because, you know, the weather is much more suitable for that type of thing.

Sending out an SOS. I need advice and chocolate ASAP.



Amy said…
Leslie- you are too funny! Seriously, I want to be in your brain for just a few minutes so I can become that witty! Ok, well to answer your question- I doubt if there is an answer or solution. I bet if you drop by any of our houses you would find the same thing- a house that is LIVED IN= a mess. :0) I promise you though they grow up fast and one day you will be wishing they were running around (nakie) making sticky messes everywhere once again. My helpful tip of the day though is to do the 2 minute pick up game. There are variations to this (10 items, 10 minutes, etc- depending on the age of the children). I'd start with 2 minutes though. Set the timer for 2 minutes and say ready, set, go. Have them run around the house picking up as much as they can as fast as they can and putting it away. (This includes Simeon!) :0) We do this at our house before dinner and before bed. You will be surprised- once they catch on- how much can be picked up in a short amount of time. You could also tell the kids if they do a really good job they can have an m&m or a sticker or something when they are done. Or else, you can always call ME- I'll come help you clean if I can stare at your beautiful children while I am doing it! :0) Love ya- you are awesome! Amy
C said…
How do I do it all?

What's my big secret?

I don't. When the kids were babies and preschoolers I WAY didn't!

I'll give a "Hear! Hear!" to Amy's comment. Quick pick-ups help, especially to give you one room that is basically under control.

Many a night have we put our kids to bed, knowing that if we all awoke to a fire, we'd probably die trying to climb over all of the mess.

Then the kids grew. I haven't cleaned a bathroom sink or a toilet in months, because I have two children old enough to do those chores. They pick up their own rooms. They do their own laundry (start to finish). My four-year-old, of course, needs help with a lot of things. Yet, even she can pick up, put away laundry, etc.

It will change. Know that, and don't expect more than is reasonable right now. You are in a season of life right now that changes as your kids grow.

And in conclusion ... just two things:

#1. the web site

#2. the book "Love & Logic Magic for Early Childhood: Practical Parenting from Birth to Six Years"
Dreama said…
LOL!!! There is nothing wrong with being a neat freak, just ask my husband! I agree with amy and christine...tiddy up game and fly lady are great ideas. If all else fails head to the dollar store for Toffifay! I try to have school and house stuff done by 2:00pm...General Hospital!!! LOL!!!
sandwichinwi said…
Oh, Leslie, you crack me up! And stop peering in my windows! LOL

I tell ya, girl, you are living my life. My tornado is two, but it's the same thing. Today I was trying to pick up and everywhere I went, he followed me, whining. He hates when I walk away from him, especially if I'm going fast. If I carry him, he is love-pinching me all over. Makes me crazy!

Literally, I get an hour a day break while he naps. Otherwise it's entertain, entertain. Or feed. And pick up.

Can you put her in an ERGO carrier? And vacuum? Give them each a sponge and a spray bottle of water and let them work along side you.

And if bugs you like it bugs me, try You can download the 2002 calendar for free to try it out. Tiny 10 minute jobs.

Hang in there! Like they said, soon they'll be cleaning the bathrooms on their own and you'll be fat from all the bon bons you're eating while you watch.

Paddy said…
I have the same problem you have although I must admit I'm far from a neat freak!

I have a 4 1/2 year old and a 2 1/2 year old and a big 120 lb dog. I have outsourced laundry and cleaning so I can retain my sanity. The kids are at preschool from 9:30 - 5:30 but still manage to trash the house before and after school. I'm just waiting for them to grow up a little and in the meantime I console myself thinking we at least live in a clean mess.

I love reading your blog. Nandini and Riya could be twins :)

Anonymous said…
Leslie, You have a great way of expressing what so many of us are dealing with daily. Your kids are still young but will someday be a great help. I used to have unrealistic expectation when I had lots of littles but really and truly you are outnumbered. I second the recommedation to seek out the flylady. Her motto is you can do anything for 15 minutes. So just keep plugging away and things will get better.
Anonymous said…
Hey Leslie, I feel for you, but have no advice as my home is a complete pit! The repair-person is coming to fix the microwave this AM so I did the breakfast dishes. I'm quite proud of myself.

With regard to troublesome children, I'm glad others find their older kids to be a joy. My oldest is ready to put me over the edge. She is 12 and has been an angel all her life. Until NOW when she finally has the sister she begged for all her life. She has become the typical self-centered teen. ARGH!

Well, both of them are at school so I'm ignoring the piles of laundry on the dining room table and the piles of books on the coffee table and surfing the internet.

TracyC said…
Leslie--give up now. That's my advice. Because if your house is neat and tidy then I'm going to feel bad about my wasteland home. Don't make me have to come down there and trash your house just to make me feel better. :-D God created siblings to kill each other--see Cain and Able. Children decide to wear clothes when they get old enough to care if someone stops by and sees them in their skivies. Did you have any other questions? Oh--how do I do it? What? Stay sane with an opinionated six year old, a deaf five year old who keeps taking her implant off, and an extremely bossy dictator who pretends to be a preschooler? I add another child. I keep hoping this one is going to be so good she'll be an example to her sisters. It hasn't work yet though....

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