Air Conditioning Out - and a small update

Well, I know this isn't the main purpose of my blog, but I know that a lot of people from church check in now and then to see how things are going, so I figured I'd post on here why we're not at church today. Our air conditioning is out, so we're at my parents' house.. .again. I think we spend more time here than we do at home. Fortunately, they've bought land in Mabank, so if they ever sell their house (major prayers needed in that area) then they'll only be up the road. Right now, though, they're 1 1/2 hours away. Anyway, Sim thinks the house is still under warranty or something like that but he's still working all the overtime, so hasn't had a chance to check. And, of course, reading warranty paperwork is the same as reading Greek to me. Funny how I can make it through articles on neuroanatomy and gene deletions, but anything from State Farm causes my eyes to glaze over. The important thing is that it should be covered and hopefully we'll be able to get someone out tomorrow or the next day. And we should be at Life Groups on Tuesday.

I know I've been MIA this past week and still have to post on how Noah did in Austin on Friday. He did great! He was adding up to 10, gave the words to "Old MacDonald", talked about rain, and then had a neat little "dialogue" about why he was pitching a fit. Basically, he said that he knows he's there to work, but he's bored so that's why he's pitching a fit. It was so neat to watch. He's progressed from having to answer questions that are held up in the air. Now, he can answer questions from a choice of two written choices laying on a desk in front of him. We're also working on him pointing to the correct answer with a pencil (to get him used to holding a pencil), but his motor skills aren't quite up to it just yet. Right now, he's just slapping his hand down on the right answer and picking it up. It's a great step forward though. We're going to have lots and lots and lots of these little baby steps for the next few years. The important thing is that these baby steps add up - and that's what is going to make a difference. I'm going to practice with him for the next two months and then we go back for one day in September. (It's only an hour therapy time, but takes all day because of the distance). Then we go for 4 straight days (camp) in October and one more day in November. THEN.... Nandini comes home and things will be upside down and haywire for awhile, but we hope to resume our trips to Austin in February (maybe even the end of January). We'll have to see how it goes.

Right now, our biggest decision is regarding school. I LOVE his teacher. She is just so awesome and amazing, but it all goes downhill after the next year - when he moves to LifeSkills. And Noah has progressed soooooooo much this summer. He's doing really well and I think he enjoys being able to slow down and not be rushed all the time. Anyway, I've just been spending this last week praying for the right decision. I'm not opposed to school and I'm not opposed to homeschool. I just want God to show me what is right for Noah and I'll accept either one. It's the stress of making the decision, however, that is about to kill me - because somehow I'm not able to hear what God wants us to do. In the meantime, the stress keeps building. It must sound crazy to those who've never had to make the decision, but for those of you who've been in my shoes, I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about. And, seriously, I've never put so much thought and prayer into something in my whole life. Honestly, I don't even think I gave this much thought when I decided to get married. I mean, really.....a guy that I'd known for one and a half years (with a year of that being separated by about 10,000 miles) asks me to marry him and spend the REST of my life with him - and I say yes in less than a nanosecond. But when faced with the decision to put my kid in public school or teach him myself and I spend hours in prayer, and hours scouring the internet, lurking on chat groups, browsing through bookstores, and comforting myself with chocolate. And did I mention the hours of prayer?

Anyway, so that's what we've been up to this week. But hopefully things will get back to normal (with the air conditioning) and we'll reach a decision about school.

Hope everyone has a good week!

Noah's Mom


Dreama said…
Of course many asked about you today at church. We thought you were still out of town with Noah. Let us know if you guys need help with the AC, I'm sure there is someone at the church who can help or we can find someone. I did the same thing about homeschooling Amanda. I prayed and sought God about it but when it comes to other decisions, I usually jump right in. I pray God will show you what He wants you to do.
Take Care and see you soon!
Recovering Noah said…
Thanks, Dreama! The air conditioning is fixed. Praise God! My dad drove up with us today and checked it out. Fire Ants. I should've known! He was able to blow them out with the air compressor and it's working now. It's a huge relief.
I think I know what decision I'm going to make about schooling, but it's really fear that's keeping me from emailing the school. Just when I think I know the answer, then some little doubt worms it's way into my mind and creates a big hole. But we are 99.99% sure what we're going to do. I'm going to pray some more about it tonight because I'd really like to let his teacher know as soon as possible before she starts planning things for him.
Thanks for your support!
Recovering Noah said…
One more thing. I hope it didn't seem like I was blogging this morning because I thought everyone would wonder where I was (like in a conceited way). I just haven't been in the last two weeks, so didn't want anyone to think we had changed our minds about church or had decided to quit coming. Hope that makes sense.
Dreama said…
No, we didn't think that, we just missed you! And thought you were still in Austin. Thank God, it was just fire ants!Gina, Cherie and Sandy were asking. I guess we need to exchange phone numbers so we don't have to check out each others blogs! Isn't technology wonderful?! LOL, have a great week!
Anonymous said…
Hi Leslie -- I'm glad to read your air was fixed. With all of this humidity, an air conditioner is on my list of big necessities ;)

What a praise regarding Noah's trip, too! I'm so happy for him! I'm praying for you about the school decision. May God give you the peace and assurance of His exact will!

Love in Christ,


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