
Okay, it seems that I am a blogger fool.... I had no idea you could post pictures to a blog. So... here goes... let's see if some of these work.

Most of the pictures were taken on my parents' land. They've got gorgeous woods out there and Noah loves it. We call him our "Tree Whisperer" because he goes right up to the trees, wraps his arms around them, and starts babbling at them - like he's having a conversation. He's definitely our little Nature Boy. He LOVES to be outside.

Eli is also a Nature Boy, but where Noah is more into trees and woods, Eli is into mud and dirt and rocks and sticks, etc. He had a blast climbing up on a "wood chip mountain", but practically ruined his brand new Christas sweater!

My gosh, I'm so behind on posting pictures. The ones on the site are from last July, so I've got loads to catch up on. So, maybe this will actually motivate me to post more - because my blogs will look so cool now with all the pictures added. I'm sure there are lots of other options to find out, too. This is going to be fun!!!

Noah's Mom


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