A little progress

Well, it looks like I'm behind again. I think this might have to turn into a weekly update blog, instead of the daily blog that I had envisioned when it was first created.

We've got seven full weeks left before we go back home. Yea! I am counting the days. Seriously. This is hard work. I never, ever, ever imagined it would be so hard. Last Monday, I almost gave up. I called both Sim and my dad just bawling that I wanted to pack up and come home. Noah had stayed up all night - in fact in 39 hours he had only slept 1.5 hours. And then, of course, Eli wakes up after a full night's sleep just full of energy and ready to start the day. AND Noah's still shrieking up a storm, which wakes our neighbors up at all hours. And then, he has developed this awful habit of making grunting noises and hissing noises that remind me of those hissing cockroaches that I've seen on Fear Factor. Very lovely. There is no telling what our upstairs neighbors must think with all the shrieking, grunting, and hissing going on in our apartment. Geez.

Anyway, I was ready to chuck it all in and go back to Texas. But I held on and made it through another week. I think my weekly ritural will be to cry all day on Sunday, which will be a good tension reliever and try to make it all the way to the next Sunday.. and then just start over again until each week goes by. 7! Only 7 left!

Despite Noah's odd behaviors, we have started to see a teeny, tiny bit of progress this week. We bought a membership to the zoo and we've been going several times a week just to give us something to do. Anyway, we went on Tuesday and Noah actually paid attention to the monkeys. He's NEVER paid attention to any of the animals before. He thought they were funny and laughed at them. And then I bought him a little toy and he held onto it for dear life and wouldn't let Eli touch it. That was pretty cool. He's also had good eye contact and I think he's starting to get better receptive language - meaning that he's able to understand a few things that I say to him. I mean, this all sporadic and comes and goes, but I've seen a few things that make me think that this is all working. His skin is also getting a bit better. We still use the steroids - only because it's really the only thing that works. I do hate it and know it's not the best thing for him, but we were going through all those natural, organic lotions and creams so fast and it was just too expensive. And his skin is getting better, so I can get by with doing the steroid creams about 3x a week - as opposed to the 2x daily that we used to do. So there are some good things happening, but it just gets hard sometimes. The other kids here seem to be making such fast progress and there's Noah - spinning in circles and banging his hands together. But part of me things this is part of the progress somehow..??? Maybe he's detoxing? I mean he's getting a lot of work done here, so it's got to have some sort of effect. And he's constantly having toxins coming out of his body, so that can't be pleasant. I think we might really start to see the benefits when we go back home and he gets back into his familiar surroundings and his friends. Oh, and Sim's coming in 2 weeks for a week! I can't wait to see if Noah reacts differently to Simeon when he sees him. It'll also be nice to get another person's perspective on how Noah's doing b/c I think I miss some of his accomplishments because I'm around him 24/7 - and walking around in a sleepy fog most of the time! :-) Noah's been up since 4:00 this morning and Eli is full of energy and demanding popsicles for breakfast and wanting to watch his Barney videos (no, I don't give in!) - but you can see why my brain tends to switch off quite a bit! :-)

Hope everyone has a good week!

Noah's Mom


Anonymous said…
Just wanted you to know that I pray for all of you everytime you come to my mind and that is often.
If I lived closer I would come over and help you out in some way.
Praying that you begin to see more and more that the therapies etc. are helping Noah. He is a very precious beautiful boy and God has him in the palm of his hand.Jeremiah 29:11

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