A Long Day

Well, I can tell it will be a long day. Noah's been up since 4:00 am. I just don't get it. He didn't fall asleep until around 10:45 - aren't kids supposed to sleep for more than 5 hours a night? It's de ja vu all over again. Noah fell into this pattern when he was a baby and it lasted nightly until he was about 20 months - once we removed soy and corn from his diet. He would still have sleep issues about 4 times a week, but at least I got reprieve the days he would sleep a bit longer.

I really don't know what causes his sleep issues. And if I don't know, then how can I help him? And as a mom, it's just awful when you can't help your own child. That feeling of helplessness just gets you right to the core.

We went to Noah's chiropracter on Tuesday and she used a BioFeedback device on him. The next day, he was sluggish and out of it. Today, he's been seeking lots of sensory stimulation. He woke up shrieking and squealing and turning circles. He's been stimming like crazy - spinning the wheels of his tractor and holding them to his mouth. He's been running his fingers across the textured TV cabinet. He's been waving his fingers to the side of his face and looking at them with his peripheal vision. I mean, we haven't seen this in a while.

Part of me wonders if his steroids are building up in his body and causing problems. His dermatologist's nurse said for him to not go longer than two weeks because steroids can cause problems. But every time we stop, he ends up scratching like crazy and his skin gets infected and the lesions spread. He's been on the steroids for about 9 weeks now. The max he can go without them is two days. We try to put the steroids on in the morning and Vitamin E oil on at night. At least he doesn't wake up scratching anymore. That was a horrible time period I don't want to relive!

But I can't help but think that if you give steroids to a child that can't detox... what happens?

We know that Noah can't tolerate too much of anything. Even foods tend to build up in his system. He doesn't have outright allergies to most foods (except we do see reactions to peanut butter and potatoes within a few hours), but if you give him a food over and over, he starts to react. Like it builds up in his system and causes problems. It's so strange.

I can't wait until we go to TN!! One week and 6 days until we leave. It's going to be so great to have Noah's practitioners right there. Dr. Foley will be able to tell what's going on and correct it. And then, we'll go straight to Internal Balance where he'll do all of his therapies. It's just such a good combo. He does so well there! And he never has trouble sleeping, either. I just can't even begin to describe how excited I am to spend three months there. I am praying that Noah progresses. He's such a sweet, smart little boy. I know he's inside that body of his - we just have to help him break through. And I know he wants to, too. I really do. I can see it sometimes - sometimes when I look at him and we lock eyes and just for a fleeting second I get to see the real little boy inside him. And it's only a second, but it seems like we have so many silent conversations in that second - like a lifetime has passed. And I know he's in there. And I know he wants to come out. And I just can't give up. You know? I can't give up on him.

Noah's Mom


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