
Showing posts from December, 2011


I'm writing twice in one day! It's unheard of, isn't it? Actually, the kids have been quietly playing all day long.  No fighting or squabbling or yelling to be heard. It makes me think that perhaps the world might end tomorrow. Freaky. Being that tomorrow rings in 2012, I thought I'd do what all other folk do this time of year and sit down and write some resolutions. Usually, my resolutions center around a common theme... quit eating chocolate, start exercising, and for the love of Pete, get Noah potty-trained. I have miserably failed on every single one. Every single year. Which could explain my issues with self-worth and inability to trust myself. But this year it's different. This year, potty-training is NOT going on the list. I'm just hoping it spontaneously happens and then I can go, "Wow! Will ya look at that? Noah's potty-trained and I didn't even make it a goal this year. How awesome are we??"  And then I'll take my left ...


I just have to pop on here quickly to say that I AM RIGHT! Our neighbors ARE pot-heads. I told ya. I TOLD YA! Now, if you read my last blog post, you'll remember that I've long subscribed to the theory that our neighbors are pot heads. EVERY SINGLE TIME anyone burns leaves in our neighborhood, I smell pot. And you might recall that Sim has long subscribed to the theory that I am a crazy woman who likes to stir up trouble and who hopes to get on the local news. Well, Sim just raked and burned 20 loads of leaves. And does it smell like pot? No it does not.  And why doesn't it? Because we don't smoke pot. So here's the scenario that just played out in our front yard... Me - Hmmm. Whatcha doin' there, Sim? Sim - What does it look like I'm doing? Me - Looks like you're burning some leaves there... Sim - (Stops what he's doing and looks at me)  Go ahead and say it. Me - Say what? I just came outside because I saw you burning some leaves a...

Just a couple of quirks

A few days ago, one of my favorite bloggers did a blog post about some of her quirks. And then about 200 of her blog followers posted their quirks in the comment section. Now, I have quite a few quirks myself, but I wasn’t about to expose myself to a blogger who probably has about 20,000 people reading her blog each day. So, I thought I’d just post them on here where all 8 of you can see it. See. It pays to be unpopular now and then. Therefore, I present to you my top 10 quirks. In no particular order… 1. I fake burp. I can’t stand burping. I don’t why. I just think it’s gross. Even though I’ve been known to mimic a small earthquake after drinking an A&W real fast. But in general, I can’t stand it. Growing up, my dad burped a lot. All. The. Time. (And I’m super sure he’s going to be pleased that I put this on here). And one day, after hearing him burp for the 1,000th time that day, I fake burped  after him. It wasn’t so much of a burp as it was an “eeggghghk...